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DAMN that was fun to play im hyped for the next part of the story

(1 edit) (+3)

Hey Dev, thanks for the game.

How often is the game getting updates and when could the next one aproximately be?


It gets updated every month with big content releases! Next one should be out on Patreon probably this time next week.

Also, sorry for asking this but, I wanted to know if the animations not looping  is some kind of bug or is it normal? 


They should be looping, but some android devices have problems with loading the videos properly


Thanks for your answer! 

Has anyone happened to figure out something to deal with it?


Not that I know of, all I can think of is doing a fresh reinstall

Hey thx for the game it's v cool!! I was just wondering, since the guys ingame are pretty cute too.Would it be a possible option one day to "date" them as well ? 

Nevermind I didn't read the other comments before posting mine lol

Do I need to do emma and rin story to progress or  it's avoidable? 

I don't see why you'd want to but no, they are main characters. If you want to avoid them for some reason, hold the skip button.


Need more kit!


The Nate route! The Nate route is reaaaal!
*can we get much higher plays in the background*

The writing is as peak as always, although this update seem to have more typos than most previous ones. (which is understandable, it's an anniversary patch after all, there was a strict deadline in play)

Also i really like the new splashes and the increase in the variety of outfits (especially with Kit xd)


another hidden gem found


Let's hope one day I'm no longer hidden... haha


i cant do any of the pink actions on android, it js freezes and nothing shows up


We'll look into it


Are you ever going to make it to where you can build a relationship with Nate?


He'll get a similar character arc to the girls over time but the method of his story is going to be mostly bound to sidequests. In the future, other male characters will probably get a spot in the main cast. It would just be too hard to switch Nate to a main character at this point, but don't worry, there will always be new femboy related content coming.


That's good to hear. I'm looking forward for the next update. 


i recently downloaded the game and i dont know how to save



The gear button in the top left of the screen.

I got stuck here what should I do?

I assume this is on mobile, there's a known bug where some phones fail to run multiple videos in a row, which from memory is what's happening in this image. We're looking into a fix, if you could let me know what type of phone you have it'll help us find the cause.

i have a poco x4 pro

Is this a bug? after the 18+ warning I'm stuck in this screen

That's the text log screen, don't know why its showing up before the actual game starts, does the close button not work? if you're on mobile, sometimes that screen shows up when you swipe up, but it *should* only happen in actual dialogue.

Yes the close button does not work, if I swipe up it just appears and pressing it does nothing

Maybe try getting past the title screen without swiping up, and we'll see if we can disable it in a future update. Because I know it functions as normal when you start a new game.

Is anyone else on mobile experiencing a glitch where you can't get pass the What Now quest bc when you get into a scene your text will randomly stop and make it so you cant continue 

It hasn't been reported to the Discord before, but I can't imagine what would be causing it. Is this happening inside the quest? On what kind of device? Could you tell me more about it on discord so we can find a solution. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Absoloutley love the game. the characters feel like they all have chemistry and the humour is amazing! I haven't gotten far in but I am absoloutely enthrawled with the game so far and I can't wait to play more!

Thank you man. Im glad you're enjoying it! 

Game is still bugged for me where I can't continue in scenes. It'll glitch out randomly and won't let me continue on. I remember this being a problem a while ago.

Hey there, could you join the discord server so we can try to fix it? Thanks

What's wrong with the game, I played it then saved the game and when I started it it got this error, there's no settings button or anything on the left corner of the screen, I tried running the game again but it still got the error?? ?!

It's a bug we're aware of and have actually fixed. You picked an unfortunate time to play the game haha because the new update is coming out literally tomorrow. Sorry that you run into the bug, and if you don't want to wait until tomorrow (I really reccomend waiting for the new update) you can make the ui show up again by hitting the "explore town" option I think.

Deleted post

Thanks for letting me know that you didn't bother to stick around for five more seconds to figure out why, or play literally any of the events to get her back. Please don't leave reviews in the future if you can't make it through the intro of a game.

Deleted 1 year ago

Go somewhere ballboy


Good game so far! Glad the HotFix came out because I just discovered the saving issue.

I'm on android and I'm finding the transitions between locations just soooo slowwww. Any chance of speeding them up?

You should've seen them before the last big update. This is about as fast as I can make them, I could probably get the transition from the bedroom to Town to be a little faster, but outside of that I don't see much hope. Maybe I'll learn some magical coding fix for this Unity plugin that'll help, but I've spent the past like 6 months trying to improve performance, and this is the best I got from all that.

There might be a small problem. Every time I try to save a game past the first day, the game crashes.

Yep I'm aware of this bug, a hotfix is coming out right now, it'll just take a few hours


First time player and an Android user here. I am stuck in the Handjob seen with Alex, sandpaper joke, is there a way to continue, or do I have to load an older save and avoid the seen?

The text on the mobile version doesn't center on my samsung fold. I can read most of it. Just the ends of longer sentences get cut off

we're trying to figure out better ways to crop on mobile atm


Will there be impreg or bdsm?


impreg no, bdsm maybe? nothing in the plans right now 

(1 edit)

The button to continue the game isn't clickable and i don't know how to load the game. I'm playing the android version

Did you save last time you played?

Yes and i can see it when i click to save but i cant click in continue and i don't saw any button to load

What platform are you playing on? I've never heard of this before

I'm playing on android, i tried to uninstall and install again but still the same problem

how do I play the new version without loosing my progress?


Hit the new game option and use the "skip to 0.9 content"  option



Hello after you're New update i'm finally able to Play the gamę but when i want to raised to love level i think i can't beczuse nothi go od loading for exemple when i go see Foxy she szybko fine ans then nothing


The loading problems on android are an issue I'm aware of, I think I'll have a fix for it in the next update.

Will a Spanish translation be added at some point?


That would be a project I would consider hiring someone for way further down the line, currently I do not have the pull, resources, money or time to do so unfortunately 

hey, can i work with you translating the game?

i dont mind how much u wanna pay


The game is great. It's pretty much everything I wanted from a sci-fi/Story-Rich Visual Novel.

The game is actually "playable" but not without issues:

- Since it is made with Unity, I expected that playing it on mobile would be a lot of struggle. But it is also true that some games I have installed that is also made with Unity has run smoothly on my mobile such as OOT (My comment's purpose is not to promote other games by writing this comment, I apologize in advance if this causes problems).

-Depending on what part of the story I'm in, I'm guessing there would be a lot of rendering or loading happening in the background, which at some parts makes the game "freeze". But not actually, I can still see the animated movement of the characters on screen and still access the settings. The "freeze" can be bypassed by either waiting or furiously tapping the screen lol.

-Finally, the issues I mentioned above shows that mobile devices(or at least, the one I'm using) are struggling to run this game. After a good 15-30 mins of playing, the game would crash. And if I forget to save in between somehow, there goes all my progress :(

Despite all this, I wouldn't call it bad. Because at the very least, the animated scenes actually runs smoothly ( I'm serious, I was surprised when I saw it, it made me believe the game wasn't lagging in the first place).

I'm more of a mobile player so my reviews might be a bit biased lol


Yeah I've been getting tons of feedback like this about the android version and let me tell you, i've almost tried everything to try and get it fixed, since like 0.5 or 6 i've been pushing that i'd "fixed the android version guys :)" but every single time it still crashes and freezes for seemingly no reason, this coming update at the start of next month is going to change the way character sprites are shown entirely (it's my only idea on what could be crashing the game), and hopefully THIS time it will finally be fixed, but only time will tell, as the game has run perfectly fine on my phone every single update, but that's probably because my phone has a pretty powerful snapdragon chip in it...

If you want, join the discord and DM me, I'll make sure to give you a copy of the early access to see if this new update fixes your problems, I always am in need of a bigger sample size when it comes to bugs like these. 

Hey, i agree with 1st post about freezes on android version and have the same problems... i literaly can't play this game, because loading time between worlds or places are insane, like 1min. 

May be it's good game, but i just can't play it.

Samsung Galaxy A11

Do the freezes and loading times get longer the more that you play in one sitting? because I think I've finally fixed that for this next coming update. 

I think it was an issue with Memory leaks, or more accurately the memory was filling up with backgrounds and character sprites, which on weaker devices (like phones) would affect the gameplay after extended play, while also being completely un-noticeable on PC.

I'd say stay tuned and let me know if you are still having the problem in the next update, sorry that you were experiencing this.

Idk, i played couple of minutes, because i don't really like to wait 30-40seconds while i tap "dimensions", than "find anybody" and waited 30-40sec, "nobody was found", exit dimension and again waited 30-40sec, than my patience ended.

Also i agree that game might be good, it's just problem with loading time.

Anyway i will wait for next update and i hope things goes better ^_^

When I play the game on Android I can't go past de intro. It's right after you see the first girl in a spacesgip I thing she says "huh" and the game stop here and nothing is happening pls help

Some devices have issues showing the type of video i use to display characters, what's your device?

Deleted 1 year ago

When I work at the bar it says gained $20 but I don't get any money

no way i missed something so crucial.... oh god.... I'll go check

OH NOOOO.... SHIT, I am so stupid. i guess i'll spend the next 5 hours fixing this lmao

(1 edit) (+2)

well, it seems interesting, it hurts that it's so badly optimized for Android, it also has some parts where it gets stuck (PS I couldn't play)

Yeah I'm actively looking into the android problems, I didn't realize it was so bad

Android version should run a lot better now!

always with the spirit of improvement and all the respect in the world as advice To improve since I know several games like the one you are doing, be careful with the static screen, that is, the games still have a lot of work on Android, I don't know how it will go on pc but the game seems to have a lot of potential cheer up brother


Really great game

(1 edit)

Stuck in intro don't know why it won't load the next lines

If you click in left top or right top of screen it loop back again in showing Dr Monroe again then return back in this scene again

Using a realme RMX 3286

Playing the android version  

Does the model for dr monroe load in at all? because it might be an issue with the unity engine loading videos for character sprites, but if it is loading in I have no clue. Maybe try loading a new save? Although I'd imagine you've already tried that. 

I wish I could help more but I have no idea. This bug hasn't happened to many.

I try skipping the intro and the game works fine but I have no idea what to do in the story.

I'll try waiting for the next version release if it nots working on me maybe it's my phone that has problem

This has also happened to me, cant get past that text and nothing happens, everything else works. I have noticed that the three arrows to go forward dont appear for that text box

The MAC version doesnt work.

I don't have a mac device to test this but this is the first I've heard of it. I'll look into it for the next update.

Rollback seems to be broken. At some point, when I scrolled up to roll back, it stopped doing it. The icon for it came on screen, but it didn't leave the screen and the text didn't actually go to the previous essage. It hasn't worked again since even in a new save.

Yeah I've heard about that bug, I'm going to look into it for the next update.

(2 edits) (+1)

On android the screen doesn't rotate horizontally, so i can't play on phone 😭

Edit: After update rotate screen working, thx

It does for me, what type of phone do you have?

I have Realme GT2 PRO


Like that other comment, I literally forgot to add the link. I'll add it right now but theres a link on the title screen of the game too

Patreon link?


Oh. I am so stupid! I literally forgot to add the link. I'll add it right now but theres a link on the title screen of the game too

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