Little bug when I train with Monroe to get the tier 1 H-events which leads to immediate resting just makes game soft locked itself. Loading does help a bit but resting from night to day again just breaks it again completely.
I notice a couple small things, 1st is the menu opens sometimes when I click or press enter to progress the dialogue and 2nd is the music and voice audio (sexual noises) are linked to the same slider. The voice slider does nothing but the music slider turns both off.
Hello, sorry if something is poorly translated, I don't speak English. Does anyone else have a problem with the mobile version? The animations don't appear. It only shows an image of the start of the event but then the
Yeah that was just meant as a joke, there's no hidden scene there, I removed it for the next update because there will soon actually be a second event with her
Technically you can do events in any order up to certain story quests (and then after that story quest), but I don't really like the idea of missable content, so there's no 'choices matter' sort of thing. You will have to do every character's questline eventually, the order is up to you.
Some devices just bug out completely and are unable to show them, I've posted them all on the discord server for the game, you can check them out there
Finally after 69 in-game days no bs got literally everything available I finished the game 100 percent and still don't know whats up with the tv why do I do this to myself w game btw
Hi everyone... I just want to tell you that I officially finished this game today at 4:05 am, at first it was a bit difficult because I didn't understand the missions but I was able to finish everything and I bought everything from the shops... Excited for the upcoming updates
Check the quest log, there should be a side quest to tell you how to unlock her but you can ALSO just click the locked character icons, which tell you outright how to unlock each character.
Happy to report that after 0.16 broke the game on my phone, it's back to working flawlessly and faster than ever (even though I'm somehow in fish token debt now lol)
New player to the game and might be writing this comment a little early but so far looks like you don't have to follow every route if you don't want to which I appreciate. I really don't like Roxy but love the other characters and game so far, glad I can actually pick what I wanna do, unlike a surprising amount of other games out there
Followed other paths for a while and im enjoying the game, havent progressed her story passed the one mission to unlock the plant girl. Just hard for me to like a girl that assisted in bullying the MC for 3 years and had no trust in him to help before and never did anything or said anything in all that time until she literally got pulled with magic where she instantly is buddy buddy and wants to stop the big bad. Maybe i need to give her more of a chance which I'll do, but following Alex, the brother and Monroes paths has been fun so far
Yeah honestly, Roxy is not my strongest character opening. If I were to ever remake the game, a lot of the earlier character building would be more spread out and sensible. (Because lets be real, some of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense), but I'm still working to improve, trying to make the new content as good as can be.
She's Emma's room mate, you can click the locked character icons to see how to unlock them, first you have to unlock Emma by doing Kit's first event and then go to the new dimension that unlocks. Then you do some Emma events until Rin sort of just... unlocks.
Idk why but when i install the new update and i load the bedroom ui (where you pick stuff to do for the day) there is not text on the ui i fixed it by randomly picking one of the buttons then going back so this is really just for anyone who has the same issue (i think it's because my save was set on the bedroom ui)
There's a button that skips all the content, unlocking everything in the gallery, but if you mean like money cheats, there's not anything but there's a bunch of ways to get money easily and upgrades to get more
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unable to progress conversation when talking to nate in library (2 events completed), creates a softlock
idk if it has anything to do with having prior data but sleeping in any way will brick the game even on new save files
Even on new saves? That's weird, try deleting all save files and try again
my game keeps bugging. the options wont appear on screen or anything
Old save files wont work, there's a warning on the title screen about it.
Little bug when I train with Monroe to get the tier 1 H-events which leads to immediate resting just makes game soft locked itself. Loading does help a bit but resting from night to day again just breaks it again completely.
Are you playing on an old save file? Old saves don't work, there's a warning about it on the title screen.
I am but so far this only happened to me when I train with Monroe. Skipping time normally doesn't bug the game at all.
Old save files don't work at all, one of the variables changed type between update so the map and UI *will* continue to break no matter what
who is rin
Emma's roommate
I notice a couple small things, 1st is the menu opens sometimes when I click or press enter to progress the dialogue and 2nd is the music and voice audio (sexual noises) are linked to the same slider. The voice slider does nothing but the music slider turns both off.
Hi, this game has some belly bulging due to MC's cock size?
Not yet, but when i get more proficient with renders, maybe.
Literaly nothing.(i'm on pc btw) plz help
The image you've attached is blank for me, but in regards to your bug, I'm not really sure how to help, I haven't heard of the issue before.
I can't find Steph's house I've been looking for 10 minutes
its at the streets
Any F/F content?
Uhhh technically? No full scenes yet, but like 3 of the girls are bi and there's a few teasing scenes with them
Hello, sorry if something is poorly translated, I don't speak English. Does anyone else have a problem with the mobile version? The animations don't appear. It only shows an image of the start of the event but then the
Screen goes black and only sound is heard
Some phones aren't able to display the videos, sorry about that, not sure how to fix it
How do you check the history?
Follow-up from the TV in the alley: I can't wait to open my pulsating cube!
anyone else game keep freezing after the first day or not getting new tasks on patch 0.19
Are you playing on an old save?
I'm getting this on an old save. Do we need a new save each version?
Nevermind, just read the big red warning text explaining exactly that :D
We need Chinese
This app safe to open? My anti virus is acting up.
it's just a unity game, the only virus i'm putting on your computer is cute girls
is it not possible to trigger the scene with girl in trash bin that asks for money
what do you mean?
the one in dimension with robots. i cant give her my money since it is not usable in her dimension
Yeah that was just meant as a joke, there's no hidden scene there, I removed it for the next update because there will soon actually be a second event with her
Can I roll back the dialogues in this game? If so, how exactly should this be done on android?
I think it's a three finger swipe left? or maybe right
Linear game, game dev?
Technically you can do events in any order up to certain story quests (and then after that story quest), but I don't really like the idea of missable content, so there's no 'choices matter' sort of thing. You will have to do every character's questline eventually, the order is up to you.
That's what I like to hear. I'll support your vision then ♥
For some reason when I open the game the loading screen cuts to gray and I can't do anythint
It's a known bug that I'm working on fixing, might be fixed for the next update in a few days
When the public release of 0.19 😊😊😊
In just a few days!
I keep doing like the pink exclamation mark for Miss Stephine and it won’t go away. Am I doing something wrong or is this just a visual thing
Oops, it seems I had the variables for that and the Alex gym scene backwards, fixed for next update.
While requesting no longer freezes the game now the characters just vanish during the request.. is there a way to fix this
Some devices just bug out completely and are unable to show them, I've posted them all on the discord server for the game, you can check them out there
"Incestuous even though we aren't blood related." Nah they definately blood related.
Finally after 69 in-game days no bs got literally everything available I finished the game 100 percent and still don't know whats up with the tv why do I do this to myself w game btw
You still haven't %100 the game because it's still in development. The TV will scene will come in the next update.
Hi everyone... I just want to tell you that I officially finished this game today at 4:05 am, at first it was a bit difficult because I didn't understand the missions but I was able to finish everything and I bought everything from the shops... Excited for the upcoming updates
i need korean patch!1!1!
Why do the characters have blue skin/blue hue when I use the request feature?
That's a weird video bug, I've never heard of that happening before, there's raw versions posted on the discord.
Somehow it fixed itself lol thx for the reply tho
How can i get higher res animation on mobile?
you can't rn due to performance issues, but I'm working on it.
Can someone explain to me what the creepy TV in Last Beacon means? It spells out LLUR and then it ends. Gotta be something right?
I saw that as well. So weird. It kicks you out of Last Beacon too but doesn't advance time or anything. Maybe it's something for a future update?
Check the quest log, there should be a side quest to tell you how to unlock her but you can ALSO just click the locked character icons, which tell you outright how to unlock each character.
there is a code cheats or something??
oh i got notification this time
Yeah I somehow turned the setting for that off... oopsie
Happy to report that after 0.16 broke the game on my phone, it's back to working flawlessly and faster than ever (even though I'm somehow in fish token debt now lol)
New player to the game and might be writing this comment a little early but so far looks like you don't have to follow every route if you don't want to which I appreciate. I really don't like Roxy but love the other characters and game so far, glad I can actually pick what I wanna do, unlike a surprising amount of other games out there
Uhh.... too early is right, because lmao you better get used to Roxy, give her a chance to actually have a character arc
Followed other paths for a while and im enjoying the game, havent progressed her story passed the one mission to unlock the plant girl. Just hard for me to like a girl that assisted in bullying the MC for 3 years and had no trust in him to help before and never did anything or said anything in all that time until she literally got pulled with magic where she instantly is buddy buddy and wants to stop the big bad. Maybe i need to give her more of a chance which I'll do, but following Alex, the brother and Monroes paths has been fun so far
Yeah honestly, Roxy is not my strongest character opening. If I were to ever remake the game, a lot of the earlier character building would be more spread out and sensible. (Because lets be real, some of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense), but I'm still working to improve, trying to make the new content as good as can be.
who is rin and how do you do her events?! im stuck
She's Emma's room mate, you can click the locked character icons to see how to unlock them, first you have to unlock Emma by doing Kit's first event and then go to the new dimension that unlocks. Then you do some Emma events until Rin sort of just... unlocks.
Idk why but when i install the new update and i load the bedroom ui (where you pick stuff to do for the day) there is not text on the ui i fixed it by randomly picking one of the buttons then going back so this is really just for anyone who has the same issue (i think it's because my save was set on the bedroom ui)
Yeah there's bound to be save file weirdness due to the engine upgrade
Is there any cheats, or will there be any?
There's a button that skips all the content, unlocking everything in the gallery, but if you mean like money cheats, there's not anything but there's a bunch of ways to get money easily and upgrades to get more
what button is it?
there's a skip content button when you start a new game.