Devlog #14 | Back to the grindstone

Rise and shine gooners, I know I haven't been. I've been procrastinating harder than a highschooler with a math test, there's a few reasons why, there was a Monster Hunter game that released, I've been re-reading Umineko, lots of important stuff, no that's not really all.

One of the side jobs I had I was finally able to quit as of this week, so that should free up a lot more time for me to work on the game, so that's a fun little development. There's been another thing to that has been taking up a lot of time, we've updated the version of Unity (and the visual novel plugin) to be up to date, this took like two weeks to fully bug fix... so that's where a lot of time has been eaten up, though it mostly consisted of me looking for bugs, then NobreHD fixing them! I'm such a helpful programmer... though I definitely am learning a lot more, this time I was able to actually fix something myself, yippee.

Meanwhile while Nobre's been fixing the actual game, I've been writing away on the content for 0.25 which is nowhere near done! Oops! But all the new character sprites among other things are ready to go, so the building blocks are in place. 

Which brings me to whats happening this month, as I don't want to have the players wait any longer for 0.24, because they are always so nice to me, there will be a 'mini' update, a 0.24.1 that will release on Patreon in the coming days (tomorrow if I can bang it out) 

This 0.24.1 update won't feature much, it will mostly be a bug testing ground for the new engine upgrade, to see if it was even worth it. There will be new content however, there's going to be new items in Pearl's porn store, the CG remakes for Monroes events (finally) and a NEW Azalea event, which will be between her second and third ones. You might be wondering how that's possible or why, well I did a poll on my discord last week about which characters they thought were weaker at the start of the game and Azalea won by a large amount, which I agree with, Azalea's story was an after-thought in the early stages of development, when I really didn't have an arc in mind for her character, but now I've planned out more and had time to reflect, I need to adjust her character to fit more in line with the current tragectory. This also means her 1st, 2nd and 4th events have been given major rewrites. I know Melon takes up most of the screen time of Azalea's early events so I added one between the 2nd and 3rd event as a sort of bridge to give her more character before the (now 4th) event where she gets stuck in that tree, which I have also rewritten to be less... morally dubious. The content is still the same, the protagonist is just less of an asshole, just an endearing asshole.

I will go more into detail about what's actually changing in 0.24.1 in the patch notes that's coming out with the update, there's some great QOL stuff, visual clutter reductions and more (but not much more).

Anyway, I think this month will be especially productive, mainly because I finished monster hunter but don't tell anyone I told you that.

And go to if you want to play 0.24.1 when it releases!

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Hey, downtime's almost as important an aspect as active development for a project like this Dussop, would far rather you took breaks like this and stayed motivated than push yourself into burnout. Glad to see everything that's coming down the pipeline, especially the Azalea rework.